Tuesday, January 25, 2005

MacJournal 3.0 Suggestions

First, I'll just say that MacJournal is a great program. It's simple and too the point, and does all you need it to do if you're looking to keep a journal or to blog (I'm writing this blog in MacJournal). As I use it for blogging, my suggestions all pertain to that use.

Optionally publish the date the entry was created as the date posted in Blogger
Right now I'm sitting in a train station. In one of my other blogs, I just wrote "I'm in the train station ow..." but as there's not internet connection here I'm not gonna post it until later, which means the time and possibly the date is going to be inappropriate. Right now the workaround is to log in to Blogger (and LiveJournal I assume) and manually change the date.

Note if and when a blog entry was posted
As is, there's no way to tell from within MacJournal whether you posted a blog or not.

Note if a blog has been edited since it was posted and if reposting, delete previous entry
This will save the effort of having to log in to the blogging service and delete the blog yourself.

Designate a blog for a given journal
As is, each time you post a blog entry, you have to select the blog to which it will go (unless it's the same as the last blog entry). However, I have a separate journal for each of my blogs and it would be easiest if I could do one-click publishing instead of having to click the Blogger icon, select the blog from the pull down menu, and pressing return. This would also lessen the risk that you post an entry to the wrong blog.

Make it easier to change the time.
I'd like to see it right in above the entry below the topic entry. I often write a blog entry for the day before on the morning after and it'd be nice if I could date it without having to dig up the date from a menu or key command. This is also useful if you want to bring journal entries in from somewhere else.

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