Saturday, February 26, 2005

iPod Suggestion: Mail in for Free Firewire Cords

Apple fans are up at arms now that Apple has dropped FireWire cords from the accessories standard with every iPod. (Personally, I'm just as bummed about the loss of the dock.)

I'd like to suggest a compromise position. Apple could offer a free mail-in FireWire cord (or, better yet, email-in or website-form-in). This plan has the benefit of not pissing off those who like FireWire (although perhaps annoying them with the need to do something more and wait to get FireWire) while not bearing the cost of dishing out the cords to the masses that don't use them.

Or, alternatively, it could make it cheaper with the purchase of the iPod. I'm guessing this would go over better with those of you thinking about Apple's bottom line. Naturally this would annoy FireWire afficionados even more than having to mail something in.

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