Thursday, June 23, 2005

Get Anywhere Wi-Fi on your PowerBook

As the New York Times is reporting, Verizon currently does (and Sprint soon will) offer a service that lets you get what can be a broadband connection from anywhere. I say "what can be" because it's only in certain areas, such as some major metro areas and a scattering of other places, although the coverage is expanding. When you can get the broadband network, you get connected to a slower network that is probably something like ISDN speeds.

It's $80 a month and since you can only do one computer at a time, it's a pricey alternative to your home broadband with AirPort, although the added benefit of getting to get online wherever is quite nice. (I'll also wager that there's some way to share a single connection with multiple computers via a computer-to-computer wireless network, although a brief Google search turned up nothing useful.)

Mac OS X isn't directly supported, but will give you all the info you need about how to set it up on a Mac. (Just go to the homepage and search for "OS X." There's be several things there that'll be useful.)

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